Il pesce gatto americano (Ictalurus punctatus, (Rafinesque 1818)), noto anche come channel, pesce gatto punteggiato o pesce gatto maculato, è un pesce d'acqua dolce appartenente alla famiglia degli Ictaluridi ed all'ordine dei Siluriformi.


channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Constructs were electroporated into embryos of common carp and channel catfish. Ideally, the embryos would undergo normal development and the gonad would form and mature in the presence of repressible compounds. However, without repressible chemicals, the gonad would not develop normally.

Ictalurus, Greek, meaning “fish cat;” punctatus, Latin, meaning “spotted,” in reference to the dark spots on the body (Pflieger 1997). Actinopteri (ray-finned fishes) > Siluriformes (Catfish) > Ictaluridae (North American freshwater catfishes) Etymology: Ictalurus: Greek, ichtys = fish + Greek, ailouros = cat (Ref. 45335); punctatus: Ictalurus (Greek)=fish cat; punctatus (Latin)=spotted (referring to the dark spots on the body) (Ref. 79012).

Ictalurus punctatus

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REFERENCES. Avdeef  0,007 mg/l (96 timmar - Ictalurus punctatus). EC50 Daphnia 1. 0,087 mg/l (48 timmar - Daphnia magna). 12.2. Persistens och nedbrytbarhet.

Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818), during non-horizontal swimming. Compared with horizontal swimming, these measurements predicted that the most efficient energy savings would have a value of up to 43%, in combination with gliding descents and stroking ascents with pitch angles of −15 and 60 deg, respectively.

furcatus) by the rounded anal fin (margin of anal fin almost straight in I. furcatus; Sublette et al. 1990). Ictalurus punctatus can be readily hybridized with the blue catfish ( I. furcatus ), and hybrids have a higher rate of growth than either parent (Stickney 1986). Actinopteri (ray-finned fishes) > Siluriformes (Catfish) > Ictaluridae (North American freshwater catfishes) Etymology: Ictalurus: Greek, ichtys = fish + Greek, ailouros = cat (Ref.

Other Names for Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) Channel Catfish common name; Title Illustrations. Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window . Scientific Name Ictalurus punctatus Location Tygarts Cr., Greenup Co., KY Specimen Condition Dead Specimen

Ictalurus punctatus


Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818) Kombinerade Nomenklaturen Ett klassifikationsschema, som används inom EU, och som årligen revideras för statistik över exporttullar och utrikeshandel. Schemat baseras på ett harmoniserat system (HS), ytterligare förlängt av Community-underavdelningar. The genus Ictalurus includes 12 valid described species, 4 extinct and 8 living, and perhaps six additional undescribed species. There are two distinct subclades: the furcatus or blue catfish group and the punctatus or channel catfish group. Ictalurus punctatus (FAO Fishery Statistics, 2002).
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Division/Phylum: Chordata. Class: Osteichthyes. Order: Siluriformes.

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catfish Ictalurus punctatus Overview Channel catfish are often grey or silver in color and can be one of the largest catfish species with a maximum size up to 915 mm and 13 kg. This catfish is used extensively as an aquaculture species in countries around the world. It is also a target species in the wild for

They are active during the night, moving around and finding food after dusk. During the day they will be most likely found in deep water with little activity. Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818) Combined Nomenclature An annually revised goods classification scheme used in EU for the purposes of customs duty and foreign trade statistics. The scheme is based on the Harmonized System nomenclature, further extended with Community subdivisions.

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The excised intestines of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, were perfused at 20 or 4 degrees C for 1 h 45 min, with methylmercury (CH(3)HgCl) alone, or in the presence of excess L-cysteine (L-Cys), D-cysteine (D-Cys), L-methionine (L-Met); or with ouabain or probenecid to identify the potential …

Currently, 10 species in this genus are recognized: TheIctalurus punctatus, or more commonly called the channel catfish, is a very unique and interesting species. Depending on where you are, some might call the Ictalurus punctatusby any of these names as well: channel catfish, spotted catfish, spotted cat, lake catfish, Great Lakes catfish, northern catfish or fiddler. Here is how the Behavioral observations have suggested that Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, spawn as monogamous pairs and that males alone provide subsequent care to the resulting embryos and fry. However, genetic monogamy is quite uncommon in fish and is not necessarily correctly predicted by apparent social interactions.